Dear the people | Teen Ink

Dear the people

October 11, 2023
By ADeA BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
ADeA BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Dear the people,

I’d like to ask you a question. Because this question, it seems, you have yet to ask yourselves. We strive for equality. For the men and the women and everybody else in between to be treated the same way. But why are you pushing for equality? Would you like to be treated the same as somebody who is in jail, or somebody who is insane, or a small child, or somebody who can’t talk? I suspect not. If we were all to be equal, where in the middle should we meet? 

Between men and women. Between children and adults. Between black and white. There are infinite spaces between so many groups, how could we ever achieve equality? If Isaac Newton was average, we wouldn’t have gravity’s laws. If Van Gogh was average, his art wouldn’t sell for a penny. If we were all teachers, there would be none of us to learn. We are all our own selves, and by being equal, we give up our identities. We give up our identities as a person. As a community. As a whole. As an Earth. And for so much time, we’ve been telling people to find their identities and to be proud of it. We can't seem to decide. Please, do be yourself. We need you. Be the person that’s worth looking at and listening to. Dress a little differently, use your words with purpose, show us what you’re worth. 

What are you here for? We all want to see.

So instead, I propose that we treat each other not equally, but a little more fairly. And it will never be all completely fair. But don't let equality’s plague infect you. Without you, we are no-one. Without you, we can't have a them or an us.

I’ll leave this with you. Here, we are meant to section off. Without parts, we do not have a whole. Contribute to our whole. There are so many of us, whats it worth to be identical?

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