Picture Frame | Teen Ink

Picture Frame

October 19, 2023
By AhsGirl25 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
AhsGirl25 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
24 articles 0 photos 0 comments

                           The view from the ground is a vision in Green. 

The endless rows of cactuses spread thick and thin.

The ground is wrapped in a blanket of grass and dandelions.  

As I walk up the hills, they get higher and higher like a ride up an escalator. 

The air gets thicker, cooler, and louder. 

Up here in the hills the way I breathe is unfamiliar. 

The beaming sun stays put and smiles at me.

Cacti creep closer as I ascend the never ending staircase of new landmarks. 

The sun begins to fade, the hollow shade sets in as a new vision appears. 

Mountains! Mountains! Mountains! 

I yelp in delight.

Now I'm running, running, and more running up higher, and higher. 

Not caring how dangerous the different sharpness, edges, and heights of the rocks were. 

I run and reach the tip of a giant rock standing there, at the tip of the iceberg.

Feeling like the queen of the world I stare all over at this new vision in awe. 

My eyes squint at the Peculiar carvings on the rocks that surround me.

The people on the carvings stare back at me. 

Beaming I take pictures, tons of them!

The sound of the waterfall in the background is heaven.

Majestic, angelic, and singing rather beautiful songs. 

My arms reach out, pulling this beauty in a giant hug and never letting go.

Now this is my new forever picture frame captured in my memories.

As foreign as this landscape is to me, I grow to love it.

The view from up here is a vision of all nature’s true colors. 

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by Rachel Carson's Sense of Wonder contest on nature poems. 

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