Thank You Soccer | Teen Ink

Thank You Soccer

October 26, 2023
By 999295 BRONZE, Landenberg, Pennsylvania
999295 BRONZE, Landenberg, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Soccer, the game I love so much

How could you be so cruel

The pitch was my sacred place 

And you took that from me

In one swift movement, my season was over

A piece of me was gone

I am left to suffer silently on the sidelines

Watching helplessly as my team fights to stay in the game

Wishing more than anything that I was out there, fighting 

Instead, I am left fighting back my tears 

Trying with all my might to cheer

Yet I am silenced by my own grief

Paralyzed by my emotions, I want to scream

Not for my teammates but for myself

For all the hard work I put into my craft

For the countless hours of training, sacrificing

Soccer, my first love, how could you betray me

You asked for my commitment,

So I gave you every weekend and more.

You asked for my dedication,

So I gave you my all.

You gave me challenges to overcome,

So I gave you my sweat and my tears,

I gave you my whole heart.

What did you give me?

You gave me the confidence to be me,

You gave me a voice

And taught me how to be a leader,

You taught me sacrifice,

You showed me how to push myself,

Even when I felt like I had nothing more to give

You did not desert me

You were here all along

This is all part of your plan

To teach me how to be a better teammate

To be more patient

To appreciate what my body can endure

To not take for granted anything

To work harder, be stronger, faster, smarter than I was yesterday

You inspire me,

You make me want to be better in every way that matters

You require more of me

You gave me my first love

For that I am truly grateful

This is not the end,

This is just the beginning

The author's comments:

3 games into my high school varsity soccer season, I tore my MCL and had a partial tear of my ACL. I was devastated. I was out for the season, and I was having a difficult time finding any joy in the sport that I loved since I was 4 years old. I had to remind myself why I loved this game so much. 

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