New Year's Eve | Teen Ink

New Year's Eve

November 17, 2023
By mallorymcdonnell GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
mallorymcdonnell GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Spending time at Grams & Papaws Louisville home,

Makes for a lovely night.

It’s New Year’s Eve and the bright blue sky from a few hours ago turns

Black like the endless hole,

With little spots of white shining.

Stars fill the night sky,

So small you can hardly see them.

I’m sitting in my favorite old chair

That they’ve had for years,

Always in the same spot.


To the left,

There’s a guitar standing,

That no one ever uses.

To the right,

There’s a simple table with a lamp,

Giving just enough light.

You’d think that since the chair was so old

It would be worn and torn.

It’s not,

It’s the same way it always was,

Black and perfect for dangling your legs over the side.



Since its New Year’s Eve

My brother and I are here for the night.

We just had the traditional dinner,

Corned beef, cabbage, and black-eyed peas.


Now I’m sitting in that special chair

with a hot chocolate in one hand,

a book in the other.

My legs are dangled over the arm of the chair,

The position I can’t help but shift into the moment I sit.


Papaw gets up and goes over to the candy table,

filled with chocolates, mints, all our favorite things.

He reaches into one of the jars and grabs 3 chocolates.

When he passes me, he drops one into my lap.

I squeal in little child happiness, “Chocolate!!” I yell.

I unwrap it,

Ripping it open as fast as possible,

Hurriedly shoving the delicious Hershey Kiss in my mouth before anyone can steal it.

Sitting in my favorite chair, with my favorite things, getting to stay up late as I do every year,

New Year’s Eve is the best time of the year,

And tonight, happiness fills me and I can’t stop the spread of the smile on my face.

The author's comments:

Most years since I was a kid, my parents would drop me and my brother off at our grandparents for New Year's Eve.

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