Sun | Teen Ink


November 17, 2023
By mallorymcdonnell GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
mallorymcdonnell GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My suns are my friends,

they bring me up when I’m down,

and listen to my silly little complaints

about how bad I feel

and how everything hurts all the time.


They save me from being

dragged under the water

into the shadows below,

into the whirlwind of words that

swirl around my head,

trying to creep in,

to bring me down.  


My suns are my friends,

they know when I’m happy, mad, or sad

just by looking at me.


They shine

bright as the sun on blue sky days,

even when its cloudy

I know they’re still shining,

just hidden.


My suns are my friends,

they’re funny and unique in their own ways

each with their own special quirks,

they make me smile and laugh,

they’re my suns, bright and shining,

beautiful works of God.


Every time I look at them,

I thank God for giving me these people;

amazing, non-toxic, funny,


The author's comments:

Friends :)

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