Our Flowers | Teen Ink

Our Flowers

November 20, 2023
By zoe1706 BRONZE, Montgomery, Illinois
zoe1706 BRONZE, Montgomery, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The future is waiting with a crooked smile and the photos you're taking only leave the subject more and more blurry." -Unknown

Worked to the bone,

Sweat dripping from each knuckle

You sway through the door

You return to me.


In the space, here, with our souls intertwined

Like the flowers growing within my mind,

each season,

You return to me.

Breathing slow, you wipe the hurt from your hands 

Beginning our nightly ritual

You never forget.

You take my hand,

Enter and walk through the beaten 

paths we’ve blossomed together,

You pluck the flowers,

Gentle and delicate

Line them up together,

ducks in a row.

You place the purple, the red, the pink

Row by row,

Left, Under, Right, Over,

You never forget.

Rivers of flower infested hair run

Down, Down, Down

Trickling over my shoulders


Even after the days when the waves crash;

sea in the storm in your head,

You never forget.

The author's comments:

I just started writing poetry and am hopeful to write more in the coming months!

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