French My Pardon | Teen Ink

French My Pardon

November 28, 2023
By Nerd BRONZE, Pingree Grove, Illinois
Nerd BRONZE, Pingree Grove, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments


It’s when you’ve trapped a passion

Wrangled, wrested, pinned it to the ground

Watch wary

It’s elusive

A demon delusion 

A moment here, a

Nother gone.

The words stomp, scream and whine

Whimpering and wailing

Though you batter, barter and 

Slaughter some

The rest remains undone

A spinning spool of thread spitting in your face

Back pedal 

Your bicycle might bump into a bog 

And swallow all your sumptions

Flummoxing faces and

Tittering fools 

Smipletons and


Allidiles and


Brain bent and fried, smoke wafts up in wings

No, rings

You mean what I see?

I’m marbles my losing

Who knew black pages and blank letters 

Could be so


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