Locked In | Teen Ink

Locked In

December 11, 2023
By lopezdeyonna BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
lopezdeyonna BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Quick, lock the door. 
Under your desk, speak no more. 
Close your eyes and hold your cries 
For if he finds us, here we will lay 
Arm in arm, hand in hand 
Protecting each other, until the end 
But don’t be afraid  
Because the gun he’s holding has been ok’d 
Congress says these weapons are crucial.  
But the cost of it will be brutal. 
Your life is less important when compared to a weapon so significant  
Its only on the news, it could never happen to me or you? 
But what  when-its in your backyard? 
Ignoring it will be hard 
You’ll wish you cared 
When little Amanda’s lying on the floor, scared  
Then will your guns be more important? 
Will you still ignore and support it? 
It can happen any day 
Because you refuse to take them away. 
Buy anyway its over 
Turn on the lights and grab your folder 
Get from under your desk 
Let the pain leave from your chest 
The pain from holding your tears  
Will soon be lost within the years. 
It only matters now  
 they always forget somehow.  
Until it happens again 
And someone else loses a friend  
Will they ever care? 
Or will we all have to remain scared  
And always wonder when? 
No more “if” but only “when” 
When will my school be locked in? 

The author's comments:

My name is DeYonna, and I chose to write this shortly after the shooting in Texas. I felt so upset about what happened, and how it just keeps happening. It started to seem like the more it happens the less people care. I felt like I needed to express how i felt so I started writing. Shootings happen so often now and their only in the news for a week then people stop caring. It will be all over social media about how we could have prevented it but those stops never happen to prevent another one. 

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