The Blur | Teen Ink

The Blur

December 14, 2023
By 25melindenm BRONZE, Gloucester, North Carolina
25melindenm BRONZE, Gloucester, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My hands tingle and my arms go numb

Here comes this familiar feeling that´s always so unfamiliar

My vision blurs as I zone into the blur

Every sound is amplified and unbearable

The tapping, the clicking, the slight whisper in the corner

Even the white noise screams at me

My breathing runs faster as each inhale becomes hitched

Everything around me moves so fast yet i'm stuck in time

I remember my therapists words 

¨Breathe and feel the floor beneath you.¨

The chair under me becomes more present

I sink into it as my breathing slows

It's over 

I glance around at my peers around me

They sit silently doing their work

No one noticed

I zone back into the lesson

I wish this would stop, I´m tired

The author's comments:

I have anxiety and suffer from panic attacks, as do most people. This free-verse poem is about what a panic attack feels like.

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