Christmas Without You | Teen Ink

Christmas Without You

December 14, 2023
By Jaylynn_Whitter0716 BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
Jaylynn_Whitter0716 BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Kids run about the house.

Christmas tree lights are beaming.

Everyone around me was gleaming. 

Chitter chatter fills up the room.

But I still think, what is Christmas without you? 

No more hugs and late nights by the fire. 

Now I just sit here, alone and tired. 

I glance out at the morning dew. 

Yet I still think, what is Christmas without you? 

I still don't understand why you were taken.

I just wish you would return when I awaken. 

I can't help but feel a little shame. 

I just lay here sad, and lame. 

Although I am glad you were made new.

I can't help but think, what is Christmas without you? 

I don't think you could ever know. 

How others and I really miss. 

Your voice,your laugh,the way you strummed the guitar too. 

Through it all I still think, what is Christmas without you?

The author's comments:

I wrote this about my grandfather. It is meant to show how hard grief can be, especially around the holidays. 

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