Hey Theo | Teen Ink

Hey Theo

December 19, 2023
By Anonymous

There is always going to be people that want to see you upset

There is always going to be people that talk bad about you

There is always going to be people that say they are your friends when they are not 

There is always going to be people that will hate you for seemingly no reason 

There are always going to be times were you feel alone  

There are always going to be times were you feel excluded 

There are always going to be times were you just want to quit 

There are always going to be times were there words really get to you 

But always remember

You are loved 

You are appreciated 

You are not alone 

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem to my past self. I used to be so worried of what everyone thought of me. now that I am older I like to tell kids that look up to me to stay true to themselves and to think about the good things in the world.

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