Summer | Teen Ink


January 17, 2024
By maren_motz BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
maren_motz BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The leaves on the trees are all the way green

The pools at the swim clubs are perfectly clean

The blowing of wind and heat in the air

Knowing that school is out of your hair

Sleeping till noon, relaxing in the sun

Having no agenda, makes everything fun

Vacations and sleepovers and boat rides galore,

Are just three summer activities that people adore

The warm air in the morning mixed with the cool of the grass

Makes you want nothing more than this time to last

A cold drink on the beach with the sand between your toes

Splashing in the waves, the saltwater tickling your nose

Tanning your skin in the rays of the sun

Cheering with friends as your baseball team gets a homerun

The time spent together is like no other

Strengthening relationships with your sister and brother

When this time comes to an end, it is such a bummer

Because the best of the four seasons is summer!

The author's comments:

It's the most wonderful time of the year. Christmas? No! Summer. It's warm outside. School is out. There's time to do what makes you happy whether it is spending time with friends and family or chilling by the pool!

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