Love me | Teen Ink

Love me

January 18, 2024
By Anonymous

Love spreads its arms, canvas of open sky,

While loathing burrows deep, in black dirt's somber tie.

In emotion's vast expanse, where hearts may hurt,

A tangled dance of passions, both wild and curt.

"No, no, a thousand times no," his words a harsh decree,

A moment's pain engraved, regretful memory.

His hand, a heavy shadow on her delicate face,

In the intricate web of embrace, love's tender grace.

Yet, like the gray honor walking up the satin plank,

She persevered, as if victory in love's game she outrank.

No ranks to thank, just the strength within her heart,

A resilient force, refusing love's ending to chart.

In the dance of love and loathing, a complex art,

They played their parts, emotions tearing them apart.

Each step in the waltz of passion, a delicate start,

In the symphony of feelings, a masterpiece to impart.

The author's comments:

is about love and how you make someone happy with love

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