The Light and the Dark | Teen Ink

The Light and the Dark

February 1, 2024
By 4morrisonj SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
4morrisonj SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The two sides, dark and light, like a Yin-Yang,

Looking up at the sky, any time of day the beauty

will always shock you.

The bright orange and red in the morning to the

purple and blue of the night.


Waking up and looking out the window,

Seeing half the sun and the colors around, a bright fiery orange

And a pale yellow blending it out, the colors of happiness and


Mother Nature sharing her beautiful creation with us

once again.

The night falls and the sky is a painting.

Ranging from bright pinks to dark purples, the stars light up

the night sky, you think of all that you see,

“There's the little dipper!”

The arts of the sky will never get old, they will only

get more intriguing every day.

The author's comments:

Its about the colors in the sky

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