Silver | Teen Ink


February 26, 2024
By 27ap03 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
27ap03 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The day came around for us as a family, we decided it was time for a change, but we didn't know what to change. So for days, we pondered on what we could do. I thought maybe a new pet but I knew with 7 of us it would be near impossible to pick one so we looked day and night for the right one. We thought of big dogs, small dogs, and puppy dogs but finally, I found the right one a small silver lab puppy it was the size of a shoe and the most fluffy thing you would see, with the most sparkling blue eyes and a very energetic personality she just instantly ran towards us with a look in her eyes, that just told that us she is the one. Jumping through the snow the silver disappeared into the white monster thinking she was gone but all of a sudden she escaped leaping right into my arms with the big ol eyes looking for a home that would be mine. The time has come with the dog in our arms to take her home to be ours. She is the dog we always love and care about  

The author's comments:

This is about my dog

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