Only a Dream | Teen Ink

Only a Dream

February 26, 2024
By RezacKaeda SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
RezacKaeda SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 2 photos 2 comments

With my family

On the lake 

Got back from a long fun day

Sitting around a fire 

Everyone in a lawn chair

Warm orange glow 

Telling crazy stories

Everyone laughing 

I start to get tired

Fall asleep in my chair by the fire

Start dreaming of a wonderful vacation

Pinched by a crab

I sit up on my towel

Surrounded by endless sand 

In a swimsuit

Deciding where I was

Watching waves crashing on the shore

Feeling the sea breeze 

Taste of salt on my lips 

Sun beating down  

Lay back on my towel 

My eyes close

Hearing the seagulls 

I start drifting off to sleep

Wake up 

In a dark woods 

Wind howling 

Snow everywhere 

Up to your waist 

In a fluffy wool coat 

Big soft yellow mittens 

Desperately trying to keep hands from freezing

Wind and snow blowing on my frozen rosey cheeks 

With no visibility 

Anything to bring my mind to a more happier place 

Every step takes energy

Trudging through the deep snow

Trying to find a way out



Snuggled in my warm bed 

At home

Realizing it was all just a dream 


The author's comments:

It is about how dreams can take you anywhere

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