The Auditorium | Teen Ink

The Auditorium

February 28, 2024
By Via-Elliott GOLD, Centerville, Iowa
Via-Elliott GOLD, Centerville, Iowa
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Goodbye, everyone, I'll remember you all in therapy!"

Can I survive

Without you, my guiding light

Lighting me up like a spotlight

Inside what I call my auditorium

We call to hear your voice

Alone on an empty stage

Waiting, listening

For you to join me onstage

Your voice fills the auditorium, doubles your height

And then I know that you’re here with me

Inside the empty auditorium

It is only you and I

And even then the echos stopped

As silence filled the auditorium

And I realized I was alone

Inside my own head

The author's comments:

This piece describes what it feels like to feel alone when struggling with mental health, using the empty auditorium as a metaphor for when you feel like you are alone.

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