If I Were A Worm | Teen Ink

If I Were A Worm

March 2, 2024
By Anonymous

would you still love me if i was a worm
if i were pathetic cracks of flesh bent on pavement
vulnerable to every force of nature, small gusts of wind
i am no bigger than i appear
cowardly i feel small when you’re near

i dig holes desperate to find the version of me that is deep down
that you’ve destined for me

you think i am not a worm, but a furry butterfly-
a story you’ve yet to finish
potential i’ve yet to unlock
the expectant fervor brought by the smell of snow in the air-

i envy your eyes that i could see so much for myself as you do
but i resent your mind for this burden you have placed on me
an unattainable dream you might always resent me for not being

all i can say now, is i understand if you could not bring yourself to love a worm
if you could not bring yourself to love me as i am

The author's comments:

Inspired by the TikTok trend where one asks their partner if they would still love them if they were turned into a worm, I wanted to delve into a much deeper discussion surrounding this insecurity-turned-trend.

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