I Remember | Teen Ink

I Remember

March 14, 2024
By Via-Elliott GOLD, Centerville, Iowa
Via-Elliott GOLD, Centerville, Iowa
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Goodbye, everyone, I'll remember you all in therapy!"

I remember long car rides

Sitting in the back while my parents talked

Watching outside the car window

Listening to music from the radio

I remember eating cheese wiz

Spraying it on the crackers

And handing it to my brothers

Snacking on long car rides

I remember swimming in the pool

Excitedly splashing around

Only ever going to one side

Because the other was dirty

I remember getting McDonald’s with my grandma

A little tradition of ours a long time ago

My brother and I would sit with her and eat

Staring out the window at the cars

I remember going golfing with my Papa

We would ride on the golf carts

He even let me drive once

When I was still small

I remember watching my grandma do puzzles

Sitting at her little card table

A cup of coffee next to her

Making a picture piece by piece

I remember the smell of cig smoke

Strangely nostalgic

Reminding me of my grandma and dad

A smell I’ve come to be comfy with

I remember playing Skylanders with my dad

One of my favorite games growing up

I would sit on the floor and watch him play

And when I got older I took his place

I remember going to Pizza Hut

And seeing my mom work

We knew everyone there

And she loved seeing us there

I remember playing with my cats

Laying on the floor and riling them up

Then sitting on the couch and petting them

Listening to them purr in content

I remember Christmas morning

Opening my gifts at my house then my aunt’s

Having the rest of the day to play with my toys

And experimenting with what I got

I remember going to football games

But not to watch the players

My older cousin was in marching band

Her silver trumpet that used to be my dads standing out

I remember waterpark vacations

Every hotel we stayed at had a pool

Me and my brother loved to swim

And make up new games

I remember how it felt to be a child

Though those memories get fuzzy

All from times long past

But they will live on in my memory

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