Bond of siblings | Teen Ink

Bond of siblings

April 4, 2024
By Miss_peach38 SILVER, Bhopal, Other
Miss_peach38 SILVER, Bhopal, Other
7 articles 9 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
The garden must have all kinds of flowers - APJ Abdul Kalam

Your arrival into this world

Was like a package full of emotions 

Emotions so many

That I was left with zero words


Our first meeting was quite strange

You were asleep 

In mother's arm

Keeping me out of her range


Jealous what I was

Thus I stirred up trouble

Annoying you

Without any cause


Dear sibling

You too trouble me

So irritating yet so similar 

To how I used to be


Today I feel like

I'm failing

Failing as a sister

As your protective railing 


My sudden outburst 

Are making us distant 

But you are present 

In time and constant


I swear I'll be a sister

You'll be proud of

Be a person on whom

You'll know can always rely on....

The author's comments:

Thus poem I dedicate to my brother... and i wrote it when i was having anger outbursts and snapping at it him for even the tiniest things.... the inspiration and feels fir this poem sprouted from the guilt that I had towards him...

And yeah i already apologised to him about it by reading this poem and getting it clear...

Hope while reading it people will be reminded of the bond they share with their siblings...

Do comment and tell me if you like it...

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