Embers of life | Teen Ink

Embers of life

April 16, 2024
By SAR BRONZE, Tirunelveli, Other
SAR BRONZE, Tirunelveli, Other
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

In the fires of life

that kill shadows,

air is the emotion;

it speeds and it slows.


In the fires of life

that cook food,

Material things are that

consumed firewood.


In the fires of life

that warm cold feet,

Hardwork is the flame

That brings heat.


In the fires of life

that burn till late,

the fortunes are the

winds of fate.


Some fires of life

spread everywhere

Bringing warmth

Dispelling despair.


Some fires of life

Refuse to burn

And leave dirty

Useless ash for an urn.


Some fires of life

are used as a toy

and cause havoc to people

And the things they destroy.


Which fires of life

will you seek to learn

to live a long, happy life 

and enjoy what you earn?

The author's comments:

S. Abdul Rahman, who likes calling himself (and gets called) as SAR, is a fifteen-year-old poet from Tamil Nadu who pens verses that transcend his youthful years (according to the close souls that review his work). With an introspective and empathetic soul, SAR explores the complexities of life, society, and the human experience through his literary art.

"His words are a bridge between introspection and the world, resonating with readers of all ages. SAR's poetry reflects a deep understanding of the human condition, challenging societal norms and seeking joy in helping others." - A friend 

He is a passionate admirer of history, mysteries and sociology. He wishes to be a polyglot and is presently and forever a student of English, Tamil (both spoken fluently), Arabic, German, Hindi and French (what is fluency, again?). He hopes to add Spanish, Dutch and much more to his list of comprehensible languages and wishes to write in those someday.

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