Apple of my eye | Teen Ink

Apple of my eye

April 18, 2024
By BetGamerPoet BRONZE, Helena, Montana
BetGamerPoet BRONZE, Helena, Montana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was walking home that evening,

I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

You looked plastic like a barbie

on that saturday you saw me.

From that day I knew it was meant to be,

because every day afterwards, I couldn’t wait for you to call me.

On that day, I don’t know why,

but every day afterwards I called you the apple of my eye.

A few days afterwards it began to rain,

It was like my ancestors were crying with pain.

I thought “is it because i'm in love with another man?”

“Well let them cry because this is fire on fire.” I began

You stood underneath my umbrella to keep me sain,

because I thought you were as sweet as an apple, you would melt in the rain.

Our hearts are like apples, so perfect and so sweet.

We were the perfect match, sweet to the tongue and perfect to eat.

And us two put together, we make a perfect pie.

If I ever lose you, I will surely die.

You look like pure beauty, bright shining in the darkness.

When the lights on you, your bright red skin puts my heart to the tests,

You light up every wall,

 your red glow radiates, it's hard not to be with you, it's hard not to fall.

You caught me from falling that Saturday, 

I felt in an unfamiliar way. 

I fell in love with the love of my life that day

And like apples in the basket of life, carried us away.

The author's comments:

Hi! I am a student at Montana Youth Academy Challenge.

I made this poem about my imaginary boyfriend.

I thought my poem would be a good fit to be posted online so I chose to post!

This is my first poem, also thanks for reading!

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