No words could be said. | Teen Ink

No words could be said.

April 22, 2024
By il0v3h0tdads GOLD, Springboro, Pennsylvania
il0v3h0tdads GOLD, Springboro, Pennsylvania
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Maybe forever was meant for memories. Not people

Eyes. Something that are meant to be looked at

Or  take in the world around them.

But what no one talks about

 is the power they hold.

The power that they hold is greater than anything

That you could ever imagine.

If you can’t find the words. 

Don’t worry your eyes say all that you need to say.


Even though you haven’t said a word at all.

Eyes. They say what no soul, no words, no mouth could ever speak.

The author's comments:

I just got to thinking about how people can tell how i'm feeling without me saying a word. Then I remembered that eyes can tell a person more about how your feeling without saying anything.

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