Separation | Teen Ink


April 23, 2024
By Chaos_Quynn PLATINUM, Cold Spring, Minnesota
Chaos_Quynn PLATINUM, Cold Spring, Minnesota
20 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“The future is bulletproof, the aftermath is secondary. It's time to do it now and do it loud." - Dr. Death-Defying

I am a goldfish

Stuck in a bowl with a view of the outside world

Swimming in circles

Day in

Day out

I watch the humans go about their lives

I have a good vantage point on the kitchen counter

Morning, afternoon, evening, night

I watch their lives through the glass

They’re interesting to me

In the morning, they all wake up

It’s hustle and bustle

“Are you almost done?”

“Hurry up!”

“We’re gonna be stuck behind the bus if you don’t get a move on!”

They’re loud in the mornings

In the afternoon, it’s silent

Kids at school, parents at work

All I can hear is the house

In the evening, everyone comes rushing home

Kids tell parents about school

Parents tell each other about work

Dinner is served and everyone loves it

I’m jealous of their food sometimes

I just eat fish food

At night, they wind down

Kids head off to finish homework

They fall asleep

Parents cuddle on the couch watching the news

The news makes me sad

Eventually, they go to sleep too

And the house goes silent

And dark

In the morning, they repeat the cycle again

I suppose, in a way, they’re just like me

Swimming in circles

Lives on repeat

What I wouldn’t give to fly away

Maybe go to space

One of the kids could make me a rocket ship

They have a few bottles lying around

There’s so much I want to do

So much I want to see, experience, make

But I’m stuck in this bowl

On the kitchen counter

Besides, I’m just a goldfish

What do I know?

The author's comments:

This was an experiment on writing something not about personal experience, but reflected from the view of something else. Did you know, we share 68% of our DNA with goldfish?

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