Why? | Teen Ink


April 28, 2024
By Anonymous

Why do I feel like 

No one will relate with me?

How can I make this feeling stop?

How can I stop it from hurting?

Why do I feel so alone

Even though I'm surrounded be people?

I thought the scars would help 

I thought I would feel better 

But now I'm sitting in my room 

Asking myself why?

Why did I do this?

Why didn't I just ask for help? 

I hope its all fake 

I hope it's a delusion 

I pray to God I'll fall asleep 

And wake up realizing it was just some dream

But this is no dream 

This is no delusion

This is just reality 

There has been no confusion 

I always feel so empty

So silly and so small

I wonder if I'll die

Will it all just stop?

A wise person once said

That if you're not doing well

Don't take your life from you

Thinking it will go away 

You have to take it knowing 

The pain won't disappear

It will just be passed down 

To the ones who actually loved you for real

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