Sunsets | Teen Ink


April 29, 2024
By Anonymous


When the moon and the sun say hello

They tease each other like every soulmate too stubborn 

To realize they were meant to be together. They 

smile knowingly while

caressing each other With their hues. 

The sun blushes and the moon falters,

Aching to catch another glimpse tomorrow. 

It’s only during an eclipse they touch lips. 

When light 

Bounces off the ocean


When clouds are

Shades of

Orange and pink.

When dusk is approaching.


The author's comments:

I wrote this piece in 2021, and it was one of the first poems I wrote. I've always been obsessed with astrology, so writing about the sun and the moon just made sense. I love making up stories with the world around us.

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