Societal Norms | Teen Ink

Societal Norms

April 30, 2024
By destinybartol GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
destinybartol GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I look up, I see three skyscraping, glistening emeralds.

My face blushed cardinal red,

my red was fury, embarrassed, angry. 

No match for their distinct elegance and grace.  

As I look up, I see their bodies curved like an hour class, perfectly symmetric.

My face blushed cardinal red, 

my woven figure, short, curvy, and crooked –

No match for the statuesque, glistening models that stood before me. 

As I look up, I see their bottoms were perfectly annular. 

My face blushed cardinal red, 

my “O” was supposed to be that way, instead it was elliptical. 

No match for theirs I suppose. 

As I look up, I admire their beauty.

My face warm and affectionate,

my body, unlike the others, still radiated beauty.

No need to match mine to theirs.

The author's comments:

A depiction of the piece Three Coke Bottles by Andy Worhol. 

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