Glass | Teen Ink


April 30, 2024
By 5mueller BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
5mueller BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I feel like glass, something you see though, but people always never see the inside that can brake through, and yes maybe you can see how it looks on the outside, but the inside makes you see, how broken I can be, like broken glass, that hasn’t really broke but the cracks  that makes you second guess, what you really said to make it a mess, but yes you sweep it under the rug like it was never really there, and you make it so defined that you never really care, about that broken glass that never really spoken that never made you cry, but it made me cry and Heartbroken, yes because it seems like there’s nothing there but the big piece of the puzzle is what I can’t unbaer, and yes its not a big deal but the one person that stepped on that glass can really second guess, and they found the mess of the broken glass that I  possess , and you try to pick the pieces up but it cuts you one by one and makes it a bigger mess, and you can never fix the broken that has been broken for a long time, but the sorry you say can never replace the mess you made,but think on the inside that makes it right and apologize isn’t big enough but the stopping of doing is right of what you did before is the part of the broken glass that is on the floor, and yes you saw me crying once before but the broken glass on the floor made you look,too see the puzzle pieces right underneath, and you did nothing but cause commotion, and devotions,and yes you say you hate me and that I’m crazy but that makes up a person don’t you see, the person you want to be, I see you want to be like me, straight A’s good grade and everything in between, and yes you too are the broken glass what meets the eye can see how perfect I can be but the broken glass that’s on the floor that was ones restored; but you yes you can not see the broken glass inside of me but the broken glass in him you can see if you peek around the corner and see the tears and him one night when it’s twilight when the moon is so bright and under his eye is a single tear running down the cheek all the way to his feet, and he can’t breathe just like me, so you see the broken glass means so much more than it just being on the floor, you might have dropped the glass but you can pick it up one by one and it takes time you see but you can be happy just like me......

The author's comments:

I’m a junior at arrowhead high school but at the time of writing this I was an 8th grader at a new school. I was bullied growing up and one day I just decided to write in my notes app in my phone and this is were the story began. I remember putting my phone on the side of me so my English teacher at the time didn’t know I was on my phone. It was about this boy who had something against me so I wrote about him and showed all my teachers. 

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