Frustration is Glitter | Teen Ink

Frustration is Glitter

May 1, 2024
By Emmav2151 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Emmav2151 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Small pieces, 

little flecks that come together to form a problem no one wants to deal with 

It is hard to get rid off when you get it on something and  

although it has no gender 

some think it only belongs to one 


Glitter is the frustration you get from arguing with family 

that seeps into your school work 

you try to shake it off but it gets all over your keyboard 


It then seeps into your skin 

you suddenly find glitter in your hair, in the shower, in your bed 

it causes you to break out 


and you just wish you never opened that bottle of emotions in the first place

Small pieces, 

little flecks that come together to form a problem no one wants to deal with 

It is hard to get rid off when you get it on something and  

although it has no gender 

some think it only belongs to one 


Glitter is the frustration you get from arguing with family 

that seeps into your school work 

you try to shake it off but it gets all over your keyboard 


It then seeps into your skin 

you suddenly find glitter in your hair, in the shower, in your bed 

it causes you to break out 


and you just wish you never opened that bottle of emotions in the first place

The author's comments:

I piece about emotion and an object. 

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