Trapped | Teen Ink


May 1, 2024
By il0v3h0tdads GOLD, Springboro, Pennsylvania
il0v3h0tdads GOLD, Springboro, Pennsylvania
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Maybe forever was meant for memories. Not people

In the depths of my mind, a shadow resides
Where thoughts and emotions entwine and collide
A labyrinth of fears and doubts I find
A prison of my own design

-The walls are made of self-doubt and shame
The floors are paved with anxiety and blame
The ceiling a dome of hopelessness and pain
A never-ending cycle, a living refrain

-In this darkness, I search for the light
A glimmer of hope, a spark of sight
But it eludes me, a mirage in the night
Leaving me lost, alone, and out of sight

-The shadows whisper secrets in my ear
Of a world beyond this darkened sphere
A world of promise, of joy, of peace
A world I can't quite reach, a world I can't release

-So I wander, lost in this place
A prisoner of my own mind's embrace
Longing for the light, longing for the grace
Of a world beyond this darkened space

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