Three ways of looking at a weeping willow | Teen Ink

Three ways of looking at a weeping willow

May 2, 2024
By BetGamerPoet BRONZE, Helena, Montana
BetGamerPoet BRONZE, Helena, Montana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are three ways of looking at a weeping willow.

One, as a picture.

Two, felt on your skin. 

And three, placed in your heart as a beautiful model.

The first, formed in the mind as memories do. 

As the loved one you miss dearly forms in your head.

A mental look at life in the form of a weeping willow.

Branches swinging low, perfectly mellow.

The second, like the feeling of someone touching your hand, soft and gentle.

The feeling of putting your feet in the river, cool and wet. 

The physical look at a weeping willow, sappy, rough, leafy, with a hint of bloom.

And the third, as if you go to church to be refreshed. 

The feeling of seeing a man walk on water, awesome, the feeling of new beginnings in your heart.

Your spiritual look at a weeping willow.

Light peeks through the long, brushing branches. 

Rays of light peek through.

As if in the Garden of Eden, seeing the Tree of Life.

The author's comments:

I would love for whoever reads this poem to feel like they are meditating. I would suggest reading slow and peaceful. #ASMRpoetry? I had just meditated before making this poem, so maybe some of you can try it as well! Also posted along with, "My experience meditating" by BetGamerPoet.

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