My Only | Teen Ink

My Only

May 6, 2024
By kierstencain BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
kierstencain BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A crimson, vibrant, splattered speck

       drifting, humming 

the one song

     My Mom always sang to me

     You are my sunshine;

My only

Drizzles of golden, rosy mist floating


Warm; my mother's hugs 

She never wanted me to feel cold

                  Like she once did


    All alone

So the sunflowers show

  Bloom, spreading their golden arms

Stained by the twinkling, sunset haze

          Teardrops trickling down the stem

                Dwindling into the soil


dancing                       In the very roots      

       You are home

           To all the bees

             And the butterflies     

In the dusky, thick air engulfing light

                          Still, you show


Because you are home

     You are my sunshine;

My only.

The author's comments:

This poem is about the nostalgic time of childhood, and how it always sticks with people, even in adulthood. It is, of course, based on the song "You Are My Sunshine," originally sung by Jimmie Davis.

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