Man,, I want milk | Teen Ink

Man,, I want milk

May 7, 2024
By khi BRONZE, Federal Way, Washington
khi BRONZE, Federal Way, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever wondered why we drink cows milk
every living thing drinks cow milk
Or why we eat animals but protect other animals and don't try to fix the problem
For instance pandas eat a lot of bamboo even if they are meat eaters
Who should eat meat instead and are built to eat meat not plants
Or are animals are as pure as we make them out to be are they capable of cruelty like humans but never pay the price for the sentians the freedom of choice and the consequences of actions taken with that freedom of right and wrong and the consequences of the action that are born of decision one makes
Or how people claim eating meat is wrong because there alive
But eats plants which also count as living beings
Or how they look down on people who enjoy cows milk and meat
Like there any better there just another creedy person who hungers for superiority
Just another example of the hypocrisies of this world I despise

The author's comments:

I was writing this while craving milk and then my thoughts just spiraled and I wrote this 

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