Untitled | Teen Ink


May 7, 2024
By JonasG BRONZE, Federal Way, Washington
JonasG BRONZE, Federal Way, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Was it a fathomless darkness into which we ought to be deferred, like corpses to a mausoleum?”

-Disco Elysium

I heard the door slide shut behind me

Locking me in

Accused of committing treason against the high king

I’ve been locked away

Not in a prison


Or even oubliette


My tomb is literally so

A mausoleum

I descend, with no other options

Feeling the way

Down the pitch steps


The bottom

My foot brushes against something on the ground

I pick it up

A lighter


It illuminates ivory colored stone

And something at the far wall

Musty wood

A coffin

Lid ajar


I step inside the coffin

The lid slides shut on its own

The walls and floor and ceiling box me in perfectly

Molded to my dimensions

This is my coffin

I was born to die

The author's comments:

I am a senior who likes Disco Elysium and decided the quote included would be great inspiration for a poem.

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