Da way | Teen Ink

Da way

May 7, 2024
By Anonymous

Being raised, I always felt ashamed
They asked me where I’m from and I got up and run

I felt like a stray because I didn’t obey

They think i’m white and I don’t put up a fight

I let them think they were right because I felt like a burning light

I didn’t know where I was from therefore I felt like the only one

Then came the day that I sat down and prayed 

Asking the lord for guidance but I felt kinda bias 

Asking for the strength to go on another day

I had money and I still felt like nothing

I was lost and everyone always seemed two face

But then I joined a church group and I finally didn’t feel that way

They said everything would be fine but everything takes time

I went on a walk and Let myself play with chalk

I am the chalk because no matter how much of it, the rain will always come and wipe it away

So why should I be playing it safe? If one day I’ll be wiped away

I no longer felt like a stray  

I was giving up but as the time went on the bad things were gone

I am no longer ashamed but

Instead I am a sheep who has found its shepard. 

-Da way 

The author's comments:

Personal piece 

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