Misery Loves Company | Teen Ink

Misery Loves Company

May 9, 2024
By Gaber06 BRONZE, Federal Way, Washington
Gaber06 BRONZE, Federal Way, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All this negativity

I can't let it get to me

They try to bring me down 


The sky could be falling down

And you still won't see me frown

I'm a king

they can't take my crown

You must not know my name

 take a pen and write it down.

they can’t affect me

in one ear out the other 

like my parents always told me 

sticks and stones may break my bones

but words will never hurt me ! 

Do you care about what people think about you ?

I don't

Misery loves company

Weather the storm

And keep loving yourself 

Rise above challenges

And come out stronger 

Love yourself 

The author's comments:

I am a 12th grader who loves poetry

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