Always loving you | Teen Ink

Always loving you

May 10, 2024
By MorganPoetry BRONZE, Federal Way, Washington
MorganPoetry BRONZE, Federal Way, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We helped each other reach our dreams

But couldn’t live the one with both of us in it

Could there have been a future with us both?

Walking through a party, people saying everything and nothing

I found you

In your 80s cover band

I danced and you knew 

You’d never be rid of me

And I think back 

To being on the movie lots

Talking with you about jazz-how it's almost a lost art

Walk me to my car 

Even though yours is up the hill

In this city of stars it was only you and me

Thought you’d be the one

I’m not the same I was when we first met 

I think of you when I hear the songs of Chet

Leaving your club with someone I once never even knew

When you catch my gaze you stop and smile

I return the sentiment

that's all I can do

The author's comments:

I'm a Senior in High school who loves creating art in all its forms (music, painting etc).

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