Fractured Veil: A girl's journey through shadows | Teen Ink

Fractured Veil: A girl's journey through shadows

May 12, 2024
By sonnetsofsarah SILVER, Haridwar, Other
sonnetsofsarah SILVER, Haridwar, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
•Don't chase, attract!<br /> •Don't run after success, success will come to you when you become capable.

Hey! I know you are strong.

Don't be too harsh on yourself.


I know that you have endless exams to give but you got this.


Your exam starts right from your birth and lasts till death.


No! Don't look at them with any hope cause they are also one of those.


You know you are truly distinctive because you are not welcomed with sweets but with curses from all around the world.


You know your parents and especially your mother are unique because they don't get congratulations or wishes but those saddened faces.


You know you are truly special cause you are judged for your body and your features and the decibel of your voice.


And you got to know that you are truly special because thousands of creatures glance at you with those lustful eyes.


You are truly special because you only get that drizzle of acid instead of water.


And you got to know that you are distinctive because you can also feel unsafe under your roof yes! ever heard that?



But then also you are supposed to shine and smile and not weep all the time.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece after watching a movie about acid attacks. It touched me deeply, and I began writing an essay which later evolved into a poem with a broader perspective of the challenges that girls face. This is not about me, but rather a reflection on the experiences of women.

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