Aftermath of a drive to Trader Joe’s | Teen Ink

Aftermath of a drive to Trader Joe’s

May 15, 2024
By Anonymous

The well that holds my eyes

Is starting to overflow and overwhelm.

The dam containing my confidence and ego

Has cracked.

Emotions zoomed around me like

The wasps in my backyard; the ones

That hides behind my garbage, waiting for 

The moment to pounce and attack. We

Are at Lowe’s Foods now, trying to grab some

Sandwich meat. Mom is asking for the price as usual.

 I pace back in forth, attempting damage control.

 How could this have happened? 

I was doing fine!

It was a nice day (Not a single cloud in the sky)!

It must’ve been that curb at the parking lot (near invisible I tell you)!

It was probably the speeding red ferrari (Seriously, 60 on an express lane?)

I didn’t even crash!


Mom looks back towards me

Asking for what cheese I'd like, as usual

Brought out my state, I say “provolone,”

She looks and asks what’s wrong, as usual

Back in reality, I say, “I’m fine”

She says “no you’re not,” as usual


And just like that, she threw the pebbble

That broke the dam

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