I Am From | Teen Ink

I Am From

May 15, 2024
By Anonymous

I am from California 

From redwoods trees and sunsets

The golden state

Mountains, beaches, and wildfires

From the one and only poppy flower

I’m from quinceañeras and dark black hair

From Alejandra and Jaime

I’m from the late night partying and always helping others

From ‘ponte las pilas’ ‘Charge your batteries’ and 

‘estudian para que no tengan que trabajar como nosotros’ ‘ study so that you don’t have to work like we do’ 

I’m from the Catholic church, but not a practicing catholic 

I’m from Mexico

Tacos, tamales

From the land my parents once left everything behind and never came back.   

The author's comments:

This poem is about showing where I am from, and what it is like being bi-cultural. Showing the beautiful state from where I was born but also show my roots and my background.  

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