A Mess | Teen Ink

A Mess

May 16, 2024
By fabtasticfroggie BRONZE, Fort Collins, Colorado
fabtasticfroggie BRONZE, Fort Collins, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 A mess

 it's all a mess

 a mess made out of life

 expectations crush my life

 they make me want to cry

 life a mess

 never quite right

 I try and try

 and still fail


it never seems enough

 not for you

 nor for me


work harder

 and harder

 you'll do better if you try 

stop crying nothings wrong 

do more it's  not enough


 dress up

 fake a laugh

 and smile more

 b's aren't acceptable

 what's so hard to understand

 cry in the dark when no one's watching

 make sure no one sees you fail

 perfect standards 

perfect life 

make sure your alter ego doesn't falter 

don't drown in tears

 simile honey

 no man wants a lady who can't work for him

 please the men

 they can control your life

 let them take the lead

 you'll follow suit

I tell you a million times 

Why can’t you listen 

be more ladylike

Fix your posture 

Try harder no man will want you 

You’re like a man 

Be better 

He’ll never want you

If you won’t do it for yourself 

Do it for him

Can you ever do this right 

I’ve been telling you 

Everyday for years 

The author's comments:

I first wrote this piece in my creative writing class when I was stressed and worked on in in English class 

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