I love... | Teen Ink

I love...

May 16, 2024
By 90404 BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
90404 BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I love playing softball

Whipping my arm around in a circle motion

Leaping as far as I can

Hearing the crack of the metal bat

As loud as thunder

Feeling my mit close around the yellow ball

I love cooking with my mom

Using the silver spoon to taste the meal

Which is as warm as a hug

Laughing with my mom 

while it cooks

Smelling the delightful scent

I love my family

Laughing together

As we eat dinner together

Playing fun games

Loving each other

My family is a bright sun

Brightening my day


I love crocheting

Listening to music

Creating loops

Making colorful string into 

Something beautiful

I love running

Feeling the cold wind in my face

Flying past other girls

As fast as a blur

Running to the finish


I love camping

Laughing with my best friends

Tasting the gooey smores

Feeling the warm campfire

Smelling the tall pine trees

Hearing the noisy crickets chirp

Seeing the beautiful fall colors

Hearing the wind howl in the night

Being under the starry night sky

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