I love | Teen Ink

I love

May 17, 2024
By Anonymous

I love the rocky mountains
The big green pine trees covering the warm sun
The colorful birds chirping and the tiny crickets humming
The Mighty river booming against the canyon walls
Life is a journey

I love the beach
The bright blue ocean
Reflecting the sunlight
The sandy beaches,
Warm as the sun
Finding crabs and critters

I love my yellow house
A place full of love
Nice yellow exterior
And fancy insides
It gives me,
A roller coaster of emotions

I love my golden retrievers,
Their furry little bodies
Soft as velvet
Caring for everyone
Zoomies for hours

I love coffee
The amazing boost of energy
The zinging of the caffeine
The amazing chocolatey taste
With a hint of mint

The author's comments:

It is important to me.

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