The Spark is Lost | Teen Ink

The Spark is Lost

May 18, 2024
By Glowowl BRONZE, Cardiff, California
Glowowl BRONZE, Cardiff, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are unsatisfying words on the page,

So I hit backspace, type characters,

Backspace, type again,

Click-clacking aimlessly on the page.

I’ve run out of ink, but I’m not using a pen.

I’ve run out of space, but the page is still blank.

I’ve lost the glow, colors are fading away.

The rainbows and sparkles–my creativity–get drained from my brain;

They ooze through my ears and burn crater-sized holes through the tables.

My motivation, it’s gone, 

Stolen from my hands when I wasn’t looking,

A silent swoop and talons reached right for it, grasping on tight to never let go,

Even when I tried fighting back, left covered in beaded bloody cuts and tears of anguish.

The author's comments:

I was feeling a lack of motivation, so I decided to write about it.

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