Four Walls | Teen Ink

Four Walls

May 20, 2024
By Anonymous

She built four walls. 

Four walls to protect it.

Four walls to cherish it. 

She didn’t let anyone in. 

Not even the most trustworthy. 

It was her pride, her pureness that kept it beating. 

But four walls weren’t enough. 

Four walls weren’t enough to shield it from the horrors. 

Four walls weren’t enough to guard it against the monsters.  

And there it was. 

Broken. Beaten down. 

And it was when she started rebuilding those four walls that she realized. 

Four walls make a fence, and she needed a cage. 

A cage to lock it away, where no one could get to it. 

And as she started adding more walls, she lost everything. 

Everyone that was trustworthy and worthy of entering it left her. 

But she didn’t care. 

She didn’t care because it was those same entities that hurt her. 

Because four walls didn’t protect her heart. 

The author's comments:

This piece represents the trust issues and walls people build up in their hearts. The reason this poem was written is because of the personal meaning behind it. Often, I allow myself to trust too little, and guard my heart, which causes people to tell me that I don’t express my emotions easily, which is true. I let past experiences build a wall around my heart, which is the reason and explanation behind the meaning of this poem. I wrote this poem in a free verse because I wanted it to feel free, and not constrained to any structure or rules. It was kind of symbolic of the topic I chose. This piece is supposed to relate to those who have trust issues, those who have been hurt in the past, and continue to use that hurt to build more walls around their hearts so that nobody can hurt them ever again. 

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