The Hummingbird's Beauty | Teen Ink

The Hummingbird's Beauty

May 20, 2024
By Anonymous

The Hummingbird loved

All things beautiful as doves. 

Pollinating flowers and singing,

The hummingbird adored being

Then the bumble bee came along

It wanted to hear the hummingbirds song

It fluttered its wings and perched

Then it saw her and it lurched. 

How could anyone be around such beauty; let alone stand near

Most looked at her like she had headlights too bright, like deers.

The beauty of the hummingbird deflected those she wanted to know

It spoke the words she wanted to hide deep in snow. 

The hummingbird had a different kind of beauty

Most assumed she’d be snooty

But she was bright like a light

And was never wound up too tight

The hummingbird was soft

If someone stayed a minute, she’d defrost

Her song and her beauty were all so kind

She just wanted someone to look at her with an open mind.

The author's comments:

This poem is about prejudice and discrimination based on appearance. The theme of judging a book by it's cover. The hummingbird just wanted to make friends, but people couldn't get past her appearance. Everyone is beautiful on the outside, but truly it is always the inside that matters. Those who met the hummingbird looked at her and thought she would be mean. They viewed her appearance and assumed she would be someone she is not. I hope anyone who reads this takes into account people can and will surprise you if you give them a chance and if you can relate to the hummingbird, you are not alone. You are beautiful and unique. So all in all, don't judge anyone or anything based solely on appearance. Appearances are deceiving. 

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