To The Dreamers Passed | Teen Ink

To The Dreamers Passed

May 23, 2024
By talynslater BRONZE, Norwalk, Iowa
talynslater BRONZE, Norwalk, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When we were young,

We would dream.

The vastness was seemingly endless.

The backyard, an endless escape. 

Adventures god only knows. 

Down the driveway,

Stories from past lives, 

Told in chalk, acted out in innocence.

To the park, 

And it’s rotting wood. 

We made new discoveries.

We dreamt new tales,

Taller than the trees in our yards. 

Pirate ships, 

Knights in armor,

Bottom of the 9th.

The dreams seemingly sprawling forever.

With countless dreams,

Time adds up.  

As time adds up, the world shrinks. 

The world shrinks,

And our dreams find their bittersweet endings.

Now, The driveway is clean,

The pirate ship has run ashore,

The armor has collected dust,

And we struck out, ending the game.

The author's comments:

This is just a bittersweet reflection on the Dreams we lived as children. 

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