16 | Teen Ink


May 23, 2024
By Anonymous

Sixteen and somehow i want to sink into the bed with my best friends and never escape because they make me feel safe

Sixteen and somehow the pain satiates itself and your brain finds a new way to worry Sixteen and somehow you worry that you won’t get into the school you swore up and down you would go to since you were seven 

Sixteen is coming and going so soon i will ache at the realization that there is an agitating age limit to look forward to because four years ago you wished it was four years later & you’ll have a spotlight of love that illuminates every corner but somehow, you will evade every hole it fills and fade into the worry

Sixteen is lying in a web of confusion and conflict with your choices 

Wanting to be torn apart and analyzed over and over again until someone knows you inside and out and at the same time dodging every demeanor that comes close to that

Sixteen is worrying until you can’t anymore about unfiltered upsetting comments that come out of your mouth because your brain has derived “differently” from others

Sixteen is the concept of time that has been  dimmed out by too many thoughts at a time, the leaves were falling, the tree was being trimmed, and you are somewhere else

Suddenly I am not sixteen anymore 

Suddenly I am seventeen  

What happened to twelve? 

Time is going too fast

The author's comments:

Growing up 

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