And just like that, | Teen Ink

And just like that,

May 24, 2024
By Akeelahs BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
Akeelahs BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

And just like that, 

Walking to our favorite place alone

Laying in the wispy grass,

Noticing everything a little bit more,

The flowers talk to me,

In substitution of you.


And just like that,

We’re back to being strangers.

Our past consumed,

Yet memories flooding my head,


Holding what was lost.


And just like that, 

You haunt my dreams

With what you’ve done,

Yet I place myself,

Back to when I was alone,

Without my other glove.


And just like that,

I placed you on the bookshelf,

Only to pick you up again,

To relive the memories,

To consume myself,

What I had.

The author's comments:

This piece is talking about the stages of one of my past friendships, we were close, yet so far. I believe this piece shines light on what we take for granted 

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