Tarantula Serenade | Teen Ink

Tarantula Serenade

June 3, 2024
By TarantulaLover BRONZE, Bristol, Vermont
TarantulaLover BRONZE, Bristol, Vermont
3 articles 1 photo 2 comments

Oh tarantula
Your so very fluffy and gentle
You may be jumpy sometimes but thats not your fault
You walk around spinning beautiful webs
And lay on walls to rest your head
You may not see,hear or feel emotions
But regardless of that i adore you so
Oh tarantula
Mesmerizing slow movements
Fierce when needed yet calm when greeted
Your eight little clawed paws
Your pedipalps and shiny spiked jaws
Your hairs shine with graceful color
Making me proud to be a spider mother
Oh tarantula
People fear you cause they don’t understand
But i do cause I’m not like them
I relate more to you than my own kind
People avoid me too but i don’t really mind
If loving fluffy kind creatures makes me weird
I don’t think I’m missing anything being here
Oh tarantula i love you so
You cannot reciprocate but i hope you know

The author's comments:

I have four pet tarantulas and I wrote this while thinking about them. Ive always been made fun of in school growing up, I'm in homeschool now. growing up being outcasted took a really bad toll on my mental health. I've always loved unconventional things, wether that's broken toys or strange animals. the more I learned about tarantulas over the years the more empathy I felt for them, relating to them in a way. that being said I love tarantulas<3

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